Download latest WordPress

Using “wget” to download WordPress

Make sure you are located in the root directory of your website and run below command.

  • wget

Extract “Xtract” wordpress files

  • tar xzvf latest.tar.gz
tar xzvf latest.tar.gz

You will see a folder called “wordpress” once the extraction is completed

Move files one level up – Rsync

Make sure you are located inside the wordpress folder before running “rsync” command

cd wordpress
  • rsync -avP ./ ../
rsync -avP ./ ../

Remove both the .gz file and the wordpress folder

rm latest.tar.gz
rm -R wordpress/

Next time you open this website using a web browser you’ll prompt with the WordPress integration with MariaDB page.

IMPORTANT: Be sure have already created you DataBase and also modified the wp-config.php accordingly

Where to go next?

Modify wp-config.php